January 4, 2025
The following is a refresher for all:
MONDAY band starts on Monday January 6th at 9:15 am ***new time***.
Wednesday and Junior Band starts Wednesday January 8th at the usual times.
You must either print your own music or ask another band member or Lynda to do it. Instructions are on the band website and your music is found in the "Members Only" file.
If you are going to be absent for practice please contact Lynda Shewchuk before 8:30am. Her email address is kokopelli_123@hotmail.com
If anyone can help set up chairs for practice please be there by 8:45am.
Wednesday and Junior Bands please bring Essential Elements 2 and Concert Favourites 2 with you.
Fee Payments: the fee is $90 if you play in one band. The fee is $100 If you are if you play in 2 or more bands. Payments can be made by e-transfer, cash or cheque (made out to Lakeshore New Horizons Bands).
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you all next week!
Dec. 29, 2024 Music and Concert Info for the 2025 Winter Session: Thank you all for your excellent work in the fall term! Your performances were most appreciated by our audiences. Carolynn has the music for our winter term posted on the website. Everyone needs to print the new music and bring it to the first rehearsal in January. Lakeshore Winds Begins January 6. The winter folder contains several pieces from the fall music that fit into our “movie/show music” theme. Concerts scheduled: 1. March 31 at 11:15 at John James school 2. April 6 at 2:30 at the Wheelhouse (PLEASE NOTE CHANGED DATE) Trumpet parts will be assigned early this week. Harmony Lakeshore Begins January 8 The winter folder contains a few pieces from the fall music that fit into our 60s/70s theme. Concerts scheduled: 1. April 2 at 10:00am at Hillsdale 2. April 12 in Cobourg Trumpet parts will be assigned early this week. Please bring your music for The Christmas Song and Variations on a French Carol to be collected. Junior band Begins January 8 Bring all of the music from the fall folder. Bring new music from the winter folder. Bring Christmas sheet music to be collected. Happy NewYear! Lynda